
A lost master vanilla wow
A lost master vanilla wow

a lost master vanilla wow

From here - close to Whelgar’s Excavation Site, until you reach the second road to the left, which takes you to Raptor Ridge - crocolisks are spreading the word you’re on the road. Once you leave the murlocs and the raptors behind, you might as well be slathered in BBQ sauce. If you have any kind of speed boost, it will be handy because you can outrun both. Most mobs stay out of aggro range but as you approach the hills, there are raptors who are close to the road. The same is true of the raptors to the right.

a lost master vanilla wow

Just beyond the first bridge, where you can see a graveyard off to your left, a few murlocs wander close.

a lost master vanilla wow

The first thing to do is get past Bluegill Marsh and murlocs on one side and Blackchannel Marsh packed with raptors on the other. This is going to be the part which tries your patience. Pick up the flight path in Menethil - steel yourself - and run out of town. Step 3 – Menethil to Loch Modan or “The Great Wetlands Corpse Run” It’s the one to the south, or on the left if your back is to Auberdine. Step 2 – Auberdine to MenethilĪt The Long Wash get on the boat to Menethil Harbor. Take the portal from Darnassus to the docks and ask the gryphon master for a ride to Auberdine - or you can take the boat to Auberdine. The amount of experience you’ll get - as well as drops - could be worth whatever you’ll pay in repairs. After all, maybe you can, with some judicious attacks - or the help of people questing in the area - kill some of these dangerous mobs. Or, maybe don’t take off your gear, especially if you’re making the run at a higher level. You’ll be able to pick up your gear once you get to Ironforge. Depending upon your level, you’re going to die - often, a lot. Broken armor costs money to repair - money which you might not have a lot of. You are going to be running through zones where the inhabitants may be skull level to you. One strategy is you take off all your armor and stow it in your bank. Step 1 – Leave Teldrassilīefore you leave, think about your armor.

a lost master vanilla wow

As those of us who have done this run will attest, getting there is… interesting. In WoW Classic, Night Elves might want to get to Stormwind and the Eastern Kingdoms to quest or meet up with their friends.

A lost master vanilla wow